
College Students and Mental Health

  Image Courtesy of the Cleveland Clinic As college students, it is hard balancing school, personal life, and other challenges that arise throughout the day.  However, these daily tasks can be even more challenging when a student's mental health is involved. According to Mary Ellen Flannery, a senior writer for the neaToday website , a study was done to see the number of college students that hold anxiety and depression. The study showed from over 90,000 students across 133 U.S. campuses that 44 percent of students reported symptoms of depression, 37 percent showed symptoms of anxiety, and 15 percent had thoughts of suicide. Why is it unrecognized that college students are in a crisis? These are the primitive years for young adults. But it seems that they are spending it on stress causing setbacks for their studies. It is said in a study by the National Library of Medicine that there is a problem students face with reaching out for help when it comes to their mental health. Tradit

How to Improve Your Mental Health With Frequent Social Media Use

Image courtesy of   We all fall into the rabbit hole of never-ending scrolling on social media. We like people's posts, share posts with other people, and we even post photos ourselves. Doing something so simple can actually cause a lot of unneeded stress and anxiety. Who would have thought that social media would negatively affect mental health? According to Chelsea Alves an expert in social media marketing for Search Engine Journal, A survey taken in 2022 by the Morning Consult collected that 54% of Gen Zers said they spend at least four hours a day using social media. The survey found that an additional 38% of Gen Zers spend more than four hours on social media daily. Why does spending so much time on social media cause strain on our mental health? Emily Hemendinger at DCReport shared that images people see on social media lead to mental illnesses. Eating disorders are a complex mental illness.  Other problems stem from social media such as self-esteem issues

How Exercise Can Benefit Your Mental Health

  Image from How Exercise Can Benefit Your Mental Health In this blog, I will be discussing mental health and specifically what affects our mental health. I believe that mental health is one of the most important things we need to take care of. In a society that is so stressed, finding ways to better ourselves is very important.  Staying fit and active is not only beneficial for your physical health, but it is great for your mental health too! In an over-anxious society, people are looking for ways to improve their mental health. Exercising is a great way to help reduce stress, increase cognitive function, and improve mood. According to the  1907 Foundation website , in some cases, exercise can work as well as antidepressant medications. The website also suggests that participating in 30 minutes of aerobic activity such as cardio can increase your quality of sleep. This gives the body and the brain a chance to recharge for better cognitive function. Riding your bike, r